Liz caribbean girl

Liz caribbean girl

Hello dear. I am Liz an escort and masseuse with extremely soft skin. This is the opportunity to spend a pleasant, quality time with an exceptional woman. The excellent person to make you have an extremely and unforgettable time. The pictures speak for themselves. I am smiling and gentle, I offer you a massage that will awaken your senses with intensity and gentleness, Do not hesitate to contact me if you are interested in having a good time with a sexy and very hot woman. Kiss Liz. 53650401
-03.07.2024 - 09:39
Sai käidud talvel, näeb välja selline nagu piltidel, soovitan. Siis oli 30min 150.
Es04.07.2024 - 17:03
Worth to visit?
-05.07.2024 - 10:16
Based on my experience around 6 months ago, I would say yes