Hello babes! My name is Sarah! For those who already know me, you know i am always a easy going girl, natural curvy body, funny. I am the perfect kind of girl for having a relaxed time, full of pleasure ❤️ I love to have fun and to meet nice men! My plan is to give you pleasure ❤️ I provide specific kind of services, if you wanna try something else, just let me know. i will be your perfect secret girlfriend and i will offer you the best services! Hygiene is important, i also provide clean towels and shower! I meet in my central location, nice place and discreet or at your place/hotel. Contact me and lets meet, what are you waiting for? ❤️❤️❤️ 56088600
Amateur13.11.2024 - 08:58
Очень много лайков, а комментариев нет ни одного. Смотрю на euroescort цену снизила до 150)).
Так что скажете?
Cristoph14.11.2024 - 08:11
I visited her 2 times( over a year ago and this year) , for me, someone who enjoys a curvy lady, she is the best.(of course this is just my opinion). Merci Sarah. It was lovely to see you with the same energy ❤️
Käpp01.12.2024 - 13:17
Väga aktiivne, avatud ja huvitav tüdruk. Parim asi on see, et ta naudib kogu protsessi.
Valdemar01.12.2024 - 21:06
Uzhasno , trata vremeni i deneg !!!
Sergei02.12.2024 - 03:15
она и ее киска тоже плохо пахнут
Hunter03.12.2024 - 04:41
God damn she is a keeper!!!!!!! 10/10⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Tanel03.12.2024 - 17:38
ты комментируешь себя и ставишь себе лайки, это видно, не смущайся, потому что никто не ставит тебе 10. Я был у тебя дома, тебе 5 лет и у тебя неприятный запах в киске
Sarah❤️03.12.2024 - 18:49
Giving me bad reviews is not gonna ruin my mood or chances of meeting people. This is everybody’s opinion. But for someone who its clearly that she/he has nothing else to do , and just visit my profile out of jealousy or frustration its very pathetic . Lets make space for someone who actually has something to say. And mind your business darling. Youre not better than me❤️????
Tanel04.12.2024 - 21:39
не смущайтесь, я был уверен, что вы комментируете, здесь любой может комментировать, но не вы, я был у вас, вы симпатичная, но остальное оставляет желать лучшего. перестаньте подделывать отзывы и позвольте людям комментировать
Niers12.12.2024 - 16:32
I visited her once last year and it has been one of my best experiences.
As soon as i arrived she was very welcoming and warm, which has not always been my experience with other people. To be honest i was stunned when i first saw her as she looks exactly like on pictures, but even better seeing her with your own eyes.
She accomodated my requests and made the whole time i spent with her feel special, i left her with a big smile on my face and ecstasy like feeling that lasted couple of days.
Will come visit again soon!
Simba16.12.2024 - 18:08
Viimane kord käisin ehk mingi 4-5kuud tagasi, ennem sinna minekut tegin ka trimmi väikemehele ära ja seal olles sain lausa kiita, et puhas riist on ilus ja hügieeniline(kotid puhtad jne) , kül siis luristas mõnuga neid kotte! Suhtumise poole pealt väga positiivne kogemus, tüdruk ise ka ilus ja viisakas(puhas).
Suhtlesime inglise keeles, sain kahh harjutada jälle võõrkeelt natuke.
Estelement22.02.2025 - 14:12
I think that russian language commentators are not relevant, as they can't match with the girl due to personal issues.
Curvy and beautiful girl
all services are very good. Polite and full of care
Please guys treat her well, as she is doing our days better.